Transfer the PF Amount through EPF Withdrawal or EPFO Withdrawal with Interest rates….
An employee can made up of a Provident Fund (PF) account during his period. Those candidates can deposited 12% of the money from their basic salary to the Provident Fund (PF) account. We have provided some steps, for how to EPF withdrawal the Provident Fund Amount below.
How to EPF Withdrawal or Transfer Your Employee PF Amount
- You can withdrawal the amount from your PF account, when you doing the job and you don’t have transfer your Provident Fund account. You can EPF withdrawal the amount by the following ways…,
- By Using UAN : If you have an Universal Account Number (UAN), you can directly withdrawal your PF amount by using the Form-19, available at Employer / You can download it from the official website of EPFO i.e

Withdrawal from the Regional Office:
You can also EPF withdrawal the PF amount from the Regional Office. Follow the below steps and withdrawal the amount easily.
- Take the PF Withdraw Form-19 from the Regional PF Officer / Download it from the official website of EPF.
- Fill in the form completely in all respects, and attested by any Bank Manager / A Gazetted Officer / Magistrate / Notary Public / Post Master.
- EPF generally asking a letter for the reason of withdrawal amount, this is only for, they can’t encouraging the fraud applications.
- You should also attach the proof of employment letter (If available).
- Then your application form to the Regional office. Once you submitted, you will receive the amount along with the Interest within 3 months from the date of submission of application form.
- In PF account, an employee gets high interest rates (i.e., 8.75 %) per annum.
Provident Fund amount is useful to the employee’s after retirement of their job. - After completion of the 5 years period, you can withdraw the amount from your PF account without pay of tax. And also you will get the interest of the amount.
If you withdraw the amount in before 5 years of the period, you will pay the tax on the amount of interest. So, don’t withdraw the amount in time of period.
i submitted settlement form till now i did not get any information about claim status please let me know the current status of the settlement a/c:AP/HYD/00026710000000414
My son account No.DS/NHP/0943546/000/0000036 kindly let me know the balance in my son’s account.
i submitted settlement form till now i did not get any information about claim status please let me know the current status of the settlement GJAHD0059811000039, Date 27/09/2017
submitted settlement form till now i did not get any information about claim status please let me know the current status of the settlement
BGBNG00413010000000616 ,Date 06/10/2017
There is no update in EPF portal,please check and let me know soon.
Netra Singh
I want to change my father name and DOB and KYC Addition
i would like to claim my Provident fund amount as i have retired from company on 31st March 2018
I have 3 typed of accounts same ian id. How total convert into single account
i want to change my name ,father name as its misspelled and complete my KYC plz answer
how can i get my pf amount via online process
i submitted settlement form till now i did not get any information about claim status please let me know the current status of the settlement PYBOM00463700000488434, Date 14/03/2020